What is Elimination Communication?

Elimination Communication (EC) is an ancient practice of tuning in to a baby's elimination patterns and signals and responding to the baby's needs.  In this way, babies can live diaper-free!  Might sound crazy at first, but it's truly a beautiful thing!  Ingrid Bauer is an expert in the field - read more on her website.

Elie at 8 weeks

Elie at 8 weeks

Saturday, April 12, 2008

New signal

A new signal I've figured out is that Elie sort of bites down w his gums on my nipples when he needs to poop and sometimes even I think when he needs to pee (unless he also needs to poop those times and I just don't leave him on the potty long enough). We've also been doing better with poops in terms of regularity. Elie's been pooping only twice a day since I stopped drinking coffee - once in the morning, usually as soon as he's really up and again usually sometime in the afternoon. So that, as well as discovering the new signal, is helping me to now catch most poops.

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