What is Elimination Communication?

Elimination Communication (EC) is an ancient practice of tuning in to a baby's elimination patterns and signals and responding to the baby's needs.  In this way, babies can live diaper-free!  Might sound crazy at first, but it's truly a beautiful thing!  Ingrid Bauer is an expert in the field - read more on her website.

Elie at 8 weeks

Elie at 8 weeks

Friday, May 9, 2008

No misses - using signals

We had a miss free day so far (it's 7:15PM) today and I didn't look at my watch at all to help on the ECing! It's the first day I've gone miss free relying completely on signals. I can't really say what all the signals are, though. Some are very subtle and I can't even verbalize what they are, but they catch my attention and I get Elie on the potty. We were home all day, so that makes signals a lot easier since he was naked most of the day with a potty close at hand, so it's easy to go from signal to potty...

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