What is Elimination Communication?

Elimination Communication (EC) is an ancient practice of tuning in to a baby's elimination patterns and signals and responding to the baby's needs.  In this way, babies can live diaper-free!  Might sound crazy at first, but it's truly a beautiful thing!  Ingrid Bauer is an expert in the field - read more on her website.

Elie at 8 weeks

Elie at 8 weeks

Friday, May 16, 2008

No more diapers

So I'm officially going diaper-free. I'm only going to use trainers and undies from now on. I started actually about a week ago and it's going fine. The past two days were really smooth with maybe one nighttime miss and one daytime miss. Today was worse - I missed a pee at LLL (I was cueing him to pee in a disposable, then when he didn't go, I stupidly put his trainer back on and nursed him and he peed as he was nursing), then I missed one when he woke up while we were waiting for the subway (I knew he needed to pee and bounced him a bit but couldn't get him to wait long enough - I wouldn't even have been able to pee him on the subway since we only had two stops - guess I could have peed him while waiting and just missed the train and waited for the next one, but I don't like being down in the subway...), then he peed once on Jeremy. He pooped about four times today though and I caught them all. I think the only poop I missed this week was Wednesday at night he was a little fussy as he was falling asleep in the wrap and came off the breast and I just thought he was gassy from over-nursing. Since he hasn't pooped late at night in a long time, I didn't even think it could be a poop. He finally pooped in the trainer and, in hindsight, he was definitely giving me clear signals, I was just letting timing get in the way of my ability to understand the signals...

So I've been doing Gerber and Under the Nile cloth trainers at home (day and night) and the Little Beetle and Poquitos out of the house.

Just a note about the poops - it seems like mostly he doesn't really signal for the poops, he just poops when he gets a pottytunity. Except in the morning - he often wakes up because he needs to poop and will frequently poop immediately upon waking and getting a pottytunity.

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