What is Elimination Communication?

Elimination Communication (EC) is an ancient practice of tuning in to a baby's elimination patterns and signals and responding to the baby's needs.  In this way, babies can live diaper-free!  Might sound crazy at first, but it's truly a beautiful thing!  Ingrid Bauer is an expert in the field - read more on her website.

Elie at 8 weeks

Elie at 8 weeks

Friday, January 11, 2008

EC Update - 5 Weeks

* Age of EC tot: 5 weeks

* We started at...1.5 weeks, cueing from birth

* Generally speaking we are doing...pretty well. If I'm able to
focus, I can catch most pees/poops. He's only pooping once or twice a
day now (just in the past few days it went down from about five
times/day!) so that's making the poops a lot easier. And since there
isn't little bits of poops on dipes, I'm using a lot less dipes. Went
through about four dipes today - I've been using the same one for most
of the afternoon (it's 7pm now).

* How do you know your baby has to go / when do you offer baby a wee?

timing: Just after waking up, he likes to nurse and pee.

signs: he will cry and not want to nurse - since he mostly nurses,
sleeps and pees/poops, if he is awake and doesn't want to nurse, it's
often because he has to pee or poop

* Is there a difference for poos and pees? What cues do you use?

I say psshhh for both pee and poop. I think the signs are the same
but a little more upset when he has to poop

* Which positions/receptacles do you use?

Insert for Baby Bjorn potty

* Nappies, training pants or other?

Flats and prefolds with EC belt

* What are you doing away from home?

Haven't been away much - used the same dipes but with a wool cover.

* What are you doing at night?

Same diaper system - taking him to pee (some) in the bathtub; often
too tired and he pees in the diaper and I change it as soon as I

* Who takes baby to the toilet?

Me and Jeremy has tried a few times - got the timing right, but never
got Elie to pee/poop yet.

* Catches or Misses - how many and what times are especially interesting?

Sometimes I think he needs to go but don't want to/can't break from
Yoav and he goes in the dipe. Also, sometimes I have a problem
whereby I don't hold him in a comfortable enough position and he
doesn't fully empty his bladder and then he pees some more a few
minutes later once I put a diaper on him :(

* What's your next EC goal? (& how did you go with your last goal?)

I want to spend more diaper free time. Now I do some diaper free in
the evenings. I tried twice diaper free at night, but it was too
stressful for me - I didn't get enough sleep and he wet through a few
towels that I then had to add to the laundry...

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