What is Elimination Communication?

Elimination Communication (EC) is an ancient practice of tuning in to a baby's elimination patterns and signals and responding to the baby's needs.  In this way, babies can live diaper-free!  Might sound crazy at first, but it's truly a beautiful thing!  Ingrid Bauer is an expert in the field - read more on her website.

Elie at 8 weeks

Elie at 8 weeks

Monday, February 18, 2008

48 Hours!

We made it 48 hours with the same prefold!! I got through 2 nights with no misses! Then he peed in his pfold when we went for bagels this morning. He had to go before we left but we were all bundled up and we were going with Jeremy before work, so I didn't have time to pee him and I guess he gave up when he saw we were going outside LOL. I used an old pair of Yoav's Under the Nile training pants for the rest of the day and just ordered a pair of Little Beetle trainers as well as a pair of wool underwear.

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